Correct windsurf boom height positioning

Correct windsurf boom height positioning

The correct windsurf boom position is often a source of long debates.

In the beginner phase it is a general consensus that the boom should be somewhere around shoulder height. Basically, when you stand upright next to it you should be able to put your arm on the inside so that it fits neatly under your arm pit.

When we progress however, things start to get a little more complicated. Some say put it high, others insist that you should bring it down. So what is it? (more…)

How to Tune a Windsurf Sail

How to Tune a Windsurf Sail

Sail tuning is one of the skills that gets overlooked during the learning process of windsurfing. Most people can kind of rig the sail correctly but are either unsure, or just plain don’t know how to tune a windsurf sail. A badly tuned windsurf sail can make the experience of windsurfing unpleasant. There are only a few parameters you really have to look out for, depending on the sail. This guide should help for most windsurfing sail types although it will vary (or be missing aspects) for sails that have cambers for example. (more…)